What It Feels Like To Have Sex With Transgender Woman

It’s one of the most popular questions I get. Men ask me, “what does it feel like to have sex with a transgender woman?”

They ask this, of course, because my girlfriend is a non-op transgender woman. And I have frequent sex with her.

For many men, their attraction to transgender women is often thwarted by their misunderstanding of how sex works. This leads to fear and apprehension – and that’s entirely fair.

So let’s break down the ins and outs of having sex with a non-op transgender woman – all based on my experiences.

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Navigating The Trans Dating World In The Best Possible Way

Times, they are changing. Sure, we still have a long way to go in the trans dating world (and trans acceptance in general). But it isn’t easy to accept that the needle has moved in a progressive direction.

No, this isn’t an article directing activists to cease the fight and smell the roses. But it’s never unhealthy to take a short break and smell a rose or two.

The trans dating world has come a long ways thanks to the unity and actions of many.

But it remains, trans dating is a complicated, sometimes burdensome endeavor. There continue to be obstacles and prejudices we contend with.

So what are some of these trans dating obstacles and how do we overcome them?

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